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  • Writer's pictureLucy Dinsmore

2020 Seed Swap & Book Exchange

Updated: Jan 17, 2020

On a balmy day in January, Women in Hort hosted another successful seed swap in Mt. Airy. The weather was springlike in the mid-60's, and the home of Kate Galer was full of cool seeds, old books, and friendly faces. In one room there were tables of seeds (one devoted to perennials and another to annuals and veggies); in another room stacks and stacks of books; and in the kitchen were delicious baked goods, snacks, and coffee.

Books included coffee table books on gardening, how-to manuals, biographies, and more. I was excited to see that someone had donated The Hidden Life of Trees, and thus quickly scooped it up. After reading it, I promise to donate it at next year's seed & book swap!

We also had other donations from people, like seed starting kits and 'garden totes' (travel plant carriers). The space was abuzz for several hours as folks mingled and "shopped" while drinking coffee and eating tasty snacks.

Bags and bags of seeds!

Oh boy we had a lot of seeds: Aesculus, Bouteloua, blanket flower, blue mist flower, rose campion, Calycanthus, castor bean, Dodecatheon, joe pye weed, lobelia, marigold, Schizachyrium, tulip, tomato, bitter melon, and more! Judging by the amount of seeds, I'd say the most popular plants in people's gardens are Agastache, Echinacea, milkweed, and purple hyacinth bean. People were so generous with their donations that the tables were still full of seeds even after everyone had left the party!

We also posed the question to people as they came and went, 'How do you stay mindful at work or life?' Below are some of the thoughtful responses. I'm planning to add one of these to my workday. Any resonate with you?

Thank you Kate Galer for offering your house to us for this yearly event. I never thought I'd have so much fun at a seed & book swap!

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